How old is Tofu?
Tofu is 2 years old. She was born on October 22, 2017.

Why did you name her Tofu?
We really don’t have a reason. We originally were going to name her Hodor (from Game of Thrones) but she ended up being a girl so we couldn’t do that anymore

Tofu’s a girl? I thought she was a boy!
Everbody thinks she’s a boy but she is definitely a girl.

I want to get a corgi! Are corgis easy to train? Do they shed a lot? Do they bark a lot? Where can I find a corgi breeder?
Before you get a corgi, I highly recommend reading this article here (So You Think You Want a Corgi?) which should most of your questions about what raising a corgi is like. As for breeders, the best place to look for reputable breeders is the AKC website. Please also consider adopting corgis from Queen’s Best Stumpy Dog Rescue or Rescue Me.

I would love to meet Tofu or set up a playdate with my dog! Can we find a day/time to meetup?
Unfortunately, due to safety issues, we cannot meet up with people that we personally do not know. We always attend Corgi Beach Day so that is a great place to find us. Also, we are constantly taking Tofu to dog parks and on walks around the Los Angeles and Orange County so you might be able to bump into us somewhere.

Is Tofu open to partnerships or collaborations?
Yes, we definitely are! Check out a list of our previous collaborators here and please send us an email at hello@tofuthecorgi.com.